In conjunction with the 10th Anniversary of SUSS’s Gerontology Programme and the International Day of Older Persons
In collaboration with Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), the National Library Board (NLB) presents the Time of Your Life (TOYL) Celebration 2020. Gain valuable insights from local and overseas Gerontology experts on how our individual and collective efforts can engender and enhance a positive ageing experience for all. Get inspired by passionate seniors from all walks of life, living the time of their lives. All these and more, all in the safety and comfort of your own home.
For more details about the sessions available, please visit the following link:
Register for the sessions as soon as possible to avoid disappointment!
Download the TOYL2020 EDM below.
Check out "Opportunities and Challenges of Lifelong Learning for Seniors | TOYL 2020" on Eventbrite!
Date: Thu, Oct 1 • 10:00 AM GMT+08:00