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Call for Volunteers: Founders' Memorial travelling exhibition and public call

Some of our members had attended the Founders’ Memorial Visitor Experience Design workshop in Nov last year, hosted by National Heritage Board.

Founders' Memorial will be launching a public call in the first half of 2022, where Singaporeans may contribute objects and stories that showcase how our founding leaders forged our shared values such as multiculturalism and boldness in our nation-building journey.

Our members are invited to be part of this effort by volunteering to guide fellow Singaporeans through an exhibition that will travel to places around Singapore and inspire them to share relevant objects and stories. Through this experience, volunteers can uncover new stories from Singapore’s early independence years, told from the perspective of the everyday Singaporean, and contribute to the richer understanding of our shared history.

Please refer to the EDM attached below for more details.

Those who are interested can RSVP directly for an info session by clicking on the EDM, this link, or this QR code.


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