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eSMS (Seniors-Meet-Seniors) Knowledge Cafe - Nov 2021

eSMS (Seniors-Meet-Seniors) Knowledge Café is where people 'meet' virtually to share fun and productive conversations, to learn from each other.

Title: Let's learn Photo Haiku together

General beginners' discussion on what is "Photo Haiku". How to create text (Haiku poems) onto any digital photo that has a story to tell.

By doing this, it gives us an opportunity to express our inner self and relates our love for nature and even simply expresses our short life experiences.

Date: 18 Nov 2021 (Thursday)

Time : 2.00pm to 4.00pm

This is an online event, sign-in details and password will be sent to your registered email.

(You will be directed to complete the registration on Eventbrite, upon registration, you should receive a confirmation email with the Zoom sign-in link. There will be a reminder sent a day ahead)

Admission is free and open to all, registration is required.

For more information on SMS Knowledge Cafe and past activities, please visit our website.

For enquiries, please email


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